Sunday 27 January 2013

Search-light to my Soul

My words are a search-light
to my Soul,
       speaking my truth.
Some days they glow and shine;
the words are mine, yet shaped
by thoughts from others, long ago.

Some days my words glisten softly;
like pale moonlight or distant stars,
A silvery fish, darting out of shadows,
dapples of half light glinting
        upon its scales;
a flash of
truth from some past memory.

Some days my words burn bright,
Exposing a sudden truth. 
I cover my eyes in pain,
take another peek - aha,
        of course
nothing at all to fear, just light.

I keep a steady hand,
let my s
earch-light shine;
no need to
switch it off and hide
in darkness or the shade.

Some days the words won’t come.
I shake my torch, bang it on the ground.
So frustrated.
       So disappointed.
Useless, empty thoughts expose
old wounds; that I'm not good enough. 
A lonely, void haunts me
        from within.

So then I seek your words,
your truth, your wisdom.
Love fills my heart,
rekindles that radiant spark
that threatens to glow cold.

Let our search-lights shine.
Switch them on together,
flash them round the world,
discover a collective truth.

Do not turn away in fear.
Stare in wonder and believe.


  1. Like your words, my words express who I am, my identity, my personality, my philosophy, my whole... Indeed, words are powerful... they are capable of changing one's fate, converting misfortune into fortune... It was a nice write...

  2. Words are indeed powerful. They can also be quite frustrating ... refusing to cooperate when you are seeking desperately to say something important. But I guess that is why we love to write ... to tease out those ideas and play with words. And share them.
