This poem was inspired by Rick Warren, from the Saddleback Church's, "What am I here for?" who believes our purpose in life is our 'calling from God.' And that when God calls - you 'don't hang up the phone, or put him on call waiting!' Our 'Calling from God' is a plan for our life, that we are given before we are born. God cares for us and waits 'patiently' on the phone, until we answer his Call; and begin to serve our purpose, by sharing our gifts and giving back to God (or the Universe - my words!)
A Call from God.
"Hello, is it Me you’re looking for?"
Oops, excuse me for a minute …
Dropped the phone on the floor.
Still there? Oh good, sorry ‘bout that
I’m afraid these cell phone things
Get me in such a flap!
Now who did you say you were?
“God!” Really? I do beg your pardon
Um, should I call you … Sir?
Oh yes, I can see that would sound
A little weird, “Sir God!” Hmmm,
Sorry, I’m a bit nervous that’s all.
It’s not every day you get called,
by God. Oh, you’ve been holding
the phone since before I was born?
Wow, you must have a sore arm!
You’re joking! You’re on speaker phone,
The whole Universe can hear me?
Well, that’s a little embarrassing
I must say. What if I say the wrong
thing? But you’re God. You forgive.
What’s that? I can’t quite hear you
You’ve called me to tell me – what?
Hang on! Where’s the loudspeaker?
Phew! That’s better. Can’t miss this
Can hear you loud and clear. God?
I’ll just pull up a chair before I fall.
You’ve been waiting, all eternity
For me to pick up the phone … but
you only just rang, didn’t you?
Oh, you mean that ringing in my ears
that’s bugged me all my life,
has been you, calling me, all along?
So sorry. I just didn’t know, thought
the buzz was the echo of a song.
Ah, I see. It was. Your song, the one
You wrote especially for me …
Well thanks, shall we dance along?
Ok, let’s get serious now, really
What is it you would like me to do
I mean, you’ve made a long distance
call here; it will cost you a fortune!
Oh – you don’t pay phone bills
You don’t expect me to, do ya?
Let’s get this over with, quick then!
What do you mean it’s time to answer
your Call. I just have, haven’t I? No?
Oh you mean, doing something with
my life; something meaningful,
worthwhile. A bit of a tall order.
Don’t I already do my job the best
way I can? Put in long hours?
Not that ‘job’ you
say? A ‘vocation?’
My purpose in Life? My dreams?
That mysterious thing, that yearning
deep, deep inside. Piercing my heart?
I’ve been reluctant to answer that
Wasn’t really sure exactly what it was.
You mean it is You, tapping away at me
Reminding me to be true? True to you.
Serving your purpose, not mine? Oh I see.
I was afraid to answer because I thought
It was all about me, felt kind of lonely.
But it’s about You, still caring, still waiting.
About time, you say, to accept your Gift
And share it with others; ACT on it,
Carry out Your Godly plan for Me.
Well okay. Seeing as you asked, why not?
I guess I’ve been waiting for this call
for a while. Been ringing in my ears,
Singing to my Soul.
Don't worry God.
I've made the connection now.
I'm not hanging up, any time soon!
I hope my friend Janis van de Laan doesn't mind me writing down her 'interpretation' of my poem, but I thought it was great and made me think about why I wrote this poem. Mostly I think, because the idea of God, or 'inspiration' calling, is potentially life changing, and to suggest that we have this inside us all the time - if only we would listen - means that anyone of us, can be creative and inspiring to others, if we believe it so. (Also, I apologise to God, for speaking a little 'cheekily' to him!)
Janis van der Laan ( - for all your proof reading and editing needs - and a healthy dose of commensense, wisdom and kindness).
Isn't that the case? We get so busy getting on with life that we seem to forget it's about living, not strife. Sorry, an unintentional rhyme there. And at first you want to say, "Oh, I wouldn't dare be so rude to God if He were calling me, and interrupt him, and such." But then you think, that's exactly what we're doing every time we push to the backs of our minds any thoughts of allowing our creativity loose; of becoming a greater something; of surrendering to the shape we are meant to be, not conforming to the mould we think they would like us to be. We get so busy with all the humdrum stuff that bogs us down that we fail to see how we keep saying to God, "Not now, I'm busy!", although we don't realise that's what we're saying with our actions.