Poem for a friend.
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness,”
they say.
I glare at my son’s underwear
and afraid of what I’ll find,
toss them aside
gaze toward the mountains,
iced in snow.
My spirit soars to the highest peak
And to my soul God speaks.
I tidy jumbled drawers,
sorting socks from shirts,
wondering why -
‘tis sure to be a tangled mess
Yet there is some joy
to be found
in the neatly folded piles.
I wipe a tear from my eye,
Dab my finger in the dust
inch thick upon the dresser,
when suddenly ...
The tears fall quickly as if to quench
the thirst of neglected imitation pine,
for a tiny bit of fuss.
The ache deep in my soul
wells then fades,
swells again
pretence crumbling in the face
of such emotion.
"Let me be," I cry,
I'm just picking up clothes
don't you see?
It's not the time to unmask truths,
to question who I am, who I should be.
A friend is all I need.
The phone is a lifeline in my hand
A virtual hug, a text smile
No judgement, just let it go.
Tears are healing, let those trapped
emotions out a while.
But the tears stop
as fast as they began.
I lay my head upon my hands
and sigh.
Calm at last
I look toward the mountain peaks
Call my Spirit back to me - thank God,
No matter how far away He seems
His faith and love, to my heart, speaks.

sorting socks from shirts,
wondering why -
‘tis sure to be a tangled mess
Yet there is some joy
to be found
in the neatly folded piles.
I wipe a tear from my eye,
Dab my finger in the dust
inch thick upon the dresser,
when suddenly ...
The tears fall quickly as if to quench
the thirst of neglected imitation pine,
for a tiny bit of fuss.
The ache deep in my soul
wells then fades,
swells again
pretence crumbling in the face
of such emotion.
"Let me be," I cry,
I'm just picking up clothes
don't you see?
It's not the time to unmask truths,
to question who I am, who I should be.
A friend is all I need.
The phone is a lifeline in my hand
A virtual hug, a text smile
No judgement, just let it go.
Tears are healing, let those trapped
emotions out a while.
But the tears stop
as fast as they began.
I lay my head upon my hands
and sigh.
Calm at last
I look toward the mountain peaks
Call my Spirit back to me - thank God,
No matter how far away He seems
His faith and love, to my heart, speaks.
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